
When my husband inadvertently booked the Waverley Hotel instead of the Westerlea Hotel (easily done), it put an end to our plans for a Highland summer break. No matter. We already live in a holiday resort, so a week in Eastbourne seemed a very good alternative.

I’m so glad we stayed. The week before had its challenges and being home and able to organise things from here was a real bonus. My dear brother-in-law died after a prolonged and debilitating illness and Mariia got called for a stint as an army interpreter. It was also my husband’s birthday.

To celebrate Mariia’s success, we took her to an excellent Turkish restaurant and Saturday we tried to get her organised. Her kit list was extensive and with only a few days’ notice, tricky to complete. But we did it.

Stepping back in time

Sunday was Jeff’s birthday. He loves jousting and had booked tickets to a nearby Medieval Fair. I confess, I had not shown the greatest enthusiasm, but the event itself was enchanting.

A large private park had been transformed into a Medieval village complete with stalls, music and theatre. Just people watching would have kept me entertained, but plenty was put on to engage us: harp playing (delightful), hilarious theatre groups, music and, of course, the joust.

Though set on horseback, it more closely resembled a corny wrestling match with outlandish characters and bad acting. The horsemanship, however, was superb, and I’m pleased to say that the lady riders stole the show.

The weather was kind and my trusty scooter only had to be occasionally hefted from the mud left from earlier down-pours.


Monday came all too quickly and we said farewell to Mariia – a little anxious and very proud. Her job would be challenging and in difficult conditions, but we had faith in her capabilities.

The week was ours and for the first few days, we were glad to decompress – process the sad news and start on arrangements.

A pootle around the town, coffee on the sidewalk and the garden was everything we needed. Well, almost. We couldn’t survive without the beach.

The day-trippers gone, it was our turn to enjoy the serenity of the evening views.

Cabbage whites and sea kale

The following morning was market day at a nearby village. I haven’t been for ages and wanted to say hi to our friendly greengrocer and pick up supplies. It was bustling with locals and visitors alike and closely resembled a set from Midsommer Murders – without the murders.

A mile further on is Birling Gap and for once, it was not besieged by tourists. Living by the sea, one becomes a little possessive of it and, though I love the bustle and liveliness of visitors, it can be a little overwhelming at times.

A quiet spot Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

Tucked behind the cafe is a tranquil garden that few seem to have noticed. There are deckchairs, a mini labyrinth set in the pebbles and an abundance of wildlife. Sipping my coffee, I enjoyed the company of the cabbage white butterflies visiting the sea kale and watching the sky shift from dark denim at its centre to cornflower blue. The flower beds are stocked with wild flowers: teasels, cow parsley and brambles -perfect for avian and insect visitors. We did see the sea as well – far out across the treacherous spine of rockpools – and the iconic Seven Sisters luminous in the bright sunlight.

Later in the day, we couldn’t resist a sea swim and the joy of emerging from the chill waters to warm air.

Hammocks and Hermione

By Thursday, all the excitement had caught up with me and reading in the hammock, snoozing and throwing the ball to Hermione was about all I could do.

Hermione, of course, is in her element with not one, but two people in attendance. My right arm is definitely increasing in strength with all the ball throwing. Who needs a gym when you can have a Cocker Spaniel?

Not quite the end

This morning was officially the last day of the holiday and reluctant to miss a moment, we went early to the beach cafe for breakfast. At nine am, there were few tables left.

Jeff waiting for breakfast; Hermione searching for scraps! Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

Deliciously replete, we walked to the sea and went for a paddle. The day was so bright and clear that the sunlight sparkled and leapt from the water like a cascade of inverted falling stars.

Jeff had returned to paddle board whilst I wrote this. I suspect he is half man and half merman.

The sky has clouded over a little now, but it is still delightfully warm. My darling niece will visit later and the weekend stretches ahead without plans.

Enjoying such exceptional weather has definitely been a blessing for our vacation. That said, we would have had no difficulty filling our days even in the worst conditions. Distracted by the sea and sunshine, there is a great deal that we didn’t do. I think next year, our staycation will have to be longer.

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