To be honest, I had not intended to write about my birthday celebrations on Saturday, but the day turned out so beautifully that I wanted to make a record of it here. After days of preparation, we were ready to welcome our guests. The dining room table was laden with afternoon tea goodies (to which my friends added even more) and the garden was arranged to be as sociable as possible.

Perfect weather
After all the changeable and quite frankly wet weather we have had recently, I was being rather optimistic about having a garden party. But the gods were smiling upon us and the day proved to be positively Mediterranean.

Soon seats and glasses were filled. We managed to build our appetites with conversation before loading our plates with sweets and savouries of every kind.
Since many friends brought delicious treats they had made themselves, I could offer a variety that went well beyond my abilities. It also removed a great deal of the pressure. If my scones didn’t rise or the cake got burnt, I would at least have something else to offer.
With such a range of guests of varying ages, who did not all know one another, we thought it wise to employ some activities to encourage mingling.
The most successful was our crazy croquet. Much as we love Hermione, she has done nothing for our lawn, which, in the politest description is a trifle uneven. Croquet, of course, should be played on a billiard table smooth surface, but we do like a challenge.
Jeff had set up a very easy route, but between evading the dog who thinks all balls ought to be chased, and overcoming clumps and bumps in the grass, it took some skill (and a little cheating) to get around.

My niece and nephew (far right) were completely unperturbed by the obstacles and had won before Clare and I had reached half way. Ah well, youth was on their side.
How well do you know your country?
After thirty odd years of living in the UK, my husband has finally decided to apply for citizenship. Of course, now it is a little more difficult and requires learning all about the country (and I mean all about the country.)

Our parties always include a quiz and here we had one ready made. The questions are seriously hard and I’m not entirely sure that everyone there would have passed on their own. Ironically, the winning team contained a German and a Ukrainian. Though they did have one very clever Brit!
Not wanting the day to end
Eventually, it was time for everyone to go and we said our prolonged goodbyes and tidied up the chaos.
But we were not really ready for the day to end. On Friday, Sussex had been blessed with an amazing display of the Northern Lights, which we had failed to note, being otherwise distracted.
Since the Northern Lights have been on my bucket list for decades, I was not willing to miss the chance of seeing them again. So I prepared to stay up waaay past my bedtime.
As the evening was balmy, my husband lit the chimenea and we waited for darkness to fall. The fire launched itself into the dimming night, sparks twirling like fireflies.
Then, just as the final light was fading, the bats wooshed past, flapping their wings at great speed. They looked otherworldly in the purple dusk.
The stars at night
When the sky was silky black, we set off for Beachy Head, thinking it an ideal spot with dark skies. Alas, everyone else had had the same idea and we were caught in a traffic jam!
Undeterred, we turned around and headed for the churchyard of a quiet village. Perfect. We set up our blanket in the grounds of the Medieval church, wrapped ourselves up in our DryRobes and lay back to watch the show.

Since the sky was clear, the stars were brilliant. In this dark space, I was able to see constellations that I seldom observe in the town. Jeff even saw a shooting star and I hope that he made a good wish.
It was truly magical and though the Northern Lights decided not to appear, I was still very happy to have spent an hour in the company of stars.
In so many ways, the day was remarkable. I doubt that every birthday will be quite so special, but I have this one to treasure.