The Turning of the Year

Today marks the turning of the year and the coming of the light. What a joyful prospect!

With Christmas just days away, I hope that we can keep that hope in our hearts. The world may appear quite crazy, but we can still show that we love one another and bring our own little light into each other’s lives.

So while you are making your final preparations, I trust that you will keep the spirit of Christmas even whilst someone grabs the last Brussel sprouts and steals your parking place!

Wish me luck! I shall be venturing to Sainsbury’s this afternoon.

This will be the final post for this year and all it leaves me to do is say:

Merry Christmas!

A tree full of memories Image: Jeff Costello-McFeat

I shall join you again after the New Year. Enjoy this magical time.

Much love, Karen xxx

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