After weeks of skies that resembled cold porridge, the sun emerged on Monday, and Hermione and I headed for the beach. It was a balmy 10 degrees centigrade and the waves were perfect for surfing – coiling into one another in smooth lines before tumbling in an effervescent rush to the shore.

Carpe Diem
And I needed this. The last fortnight has been fraught with health worries. Standing on the beach in the sunshine, I thought to myself, ‘If this were my last day, what would I do/feel?’ The answer was easy – live and relish each moment.
My test results came in yesterday and all is well. MS has so many and varied symptoms that it is impossible to know if it is the condition or something more sinister. I’m grateful for my doctors for checking – and even more grateful that it is just the usual MS craziness.
But on Monday, I did not know and it focused my mind on the miraculous world around me. I took out my phone to document some of it and I’m presenting it here as a sort of photo journal.
Sea defences

Located where we are on the coast, we experience a great variation in tides. Sometimes the sea is so far out it takes an age to reach; other times it almost touches the promenade. The groynes act as an essential coastal defence and for us a very welcome shelter from the wind.
The groynes provide a perfect home for the beach life too: seaweeds such as this cling with tiny ‘feet’ to its walls.

Shell fish too use the protection of the smooth wood. The sea, twice daily, submerges them in brine and feeds them with micro-organisms. High on the groyne walls, they are free from ocean predators and the seagulls are seldom tempted by them. Prising them from the surface is far too much effort.

Limpets are rather beautiful when viewed in close-up. Barnacles are just tiny freckles of grey.
Flotsam and jetsam
With the usual junk that is brought in with the tide – I discovered and disposed of: a large square of polystyrene, a plastic cup lid and cup – there are also natural treasures to be found.
After high winds, all kinds of rainbow coloured seaweeds are washed up in Dr Seuss designs. But the day I went was still and the tide high concealing its bounty. There was, however, an abundance of whelk egg sacks, which are Hermione’s favourite toy!

These little balls are such a familiar sight, yet I had no real idea how they came to be. How does a whelk lay eggs? Well, the internet is a mine of information and if you were wondering too, here’s how:

Considering the petite proportions of a whelk, I am most impressed by the tennis ball size of its egg sack. Thanks to Lee Fishy Selby for this amazing photograph.
My last find was an almost perfect cuttlefish bone. The ‘bone’ is in fact an interior shell that aids with buoyancy. Who knew?

Contented with the length of her play, Hermione and I headed to our favourite haunt to warm up and, in Hermione’s case, receive treats and fussing. My attempts to capture the numerous, elegant seagulls mid flight failed, but here’s our cafe. And if you come to visit, I’ll take you there.

Image: Karen Costello-McFeat