What I Did Last Summer

This post was recommended by a friend who thought a retrospective was in order. It also seemed a good twist on the ‘What I did on my summer holidays’ theme that children up and down the land are asked to write in the first week of school.

Summer 2020 has proven to be a strange one for all of us. For me, it has been especially bizarre – living simultaneously in isolation from society and yet with more of my husband’s company than I have enjoyed in thirty odd years of marriage. Before you ask, the latter helped make up for the former and we both agree that these have been surprisingly happy times.

What to do?

Connection Image: Quino Al on Unsplash

With all normal activities barred to us, we were left with the conundrum of what to do with the vast expanse of time now available. My niece wrote the first draft of a novel; my husband started a YouTube business lecture series and the rest of us discovered or rediscovered slow pleasures: making bread, reading novels, enjoying a leisurely telephone conversation. (When we received a £350 phone bill, we realised that I’d been indulging in that luxury a little too much! We now have a much better BT plan.)

A Good Book

In the days BH (Before Hermione), I devoured books. I have no idea how many I read, but here are the five that stood out: The Well-Gardened Mind by Sue Stuart-Smith, Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult, The Mobster’s Lament by Ray Celestin, Weather by Jenny Offill and Black Swan Green by David Mitchell. I like an eclectic mix! And, of course, I am always looking for more. Suggestions in the comments section please!

This summer, I also completed a life-long desire to read the complete works of Shakespeare. I started some time ago, stopped, started again and this time made it to the end. Aspiring authors take heart! Even Shakespeare had to learn his craft; even Shakespeare had off days.

The history plays, when read in order, were a joy and intelligible. At last, all those knotty family trees made sense. There were some duds: ‘Titus Andronicus’,’Timon of Athens’ (zzzz) but some gems too. I’ve read, often several times, all the greats, but it was wonderful to discover some that are seldom taught like ‘Pericles’ and the lesser known sonnets. Perhaps one day, I shall read them again – but selectively!

Another thing ticked off the bucket list! Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

Swedish lessons

Another challenge I have set myself is to read Pippy Longstocking in the original. Like my reading of Shakespeare, learning Swedish has been a stop/ start affair – but now I had no excuse. I increased the time I was spending on my Swedish lessons and committed to a daily session of twenty to thirty minutes. This more committed approach is starting to show real progress. I am delighted to inform you that I can now say: The bear sleeps from November to April (Bjornen sover fran november till april); I only buy yellow cars (Jag koper bara gula bilar) and my favourite: There is a princess in a long, green dress behind the door (Det finns en prinsessa med en lang, gron klanning bakom dorren.) I’m not quite sure when I will be able to show off these skills, but then, I’m not sure when I will ever get to Sweden.

Virtual outings

This summer has had a serious impact on the arts, so many wonderful theatres and opera houses have offered up their productions for free on YouTube.

One thing that my husband and I have always wished to enjoy was Glyndebourne Opera. Though this is only down the road from us, the tickets are prohibitively expensive and more than a little difficult to procure. So when they offered a season on YouTube, we decided to take advantage.

They were showing a delightful production of The Marriage of Figaro, so we prepared our picnic, put on our best outfits and enjoyed the show.

All dressed up with nowhere to go! Image: Jeff Costello-McFeat

Food glorious food!

Rather to the detriment of my waistline, this summer has been all about food : growing it, harvesting it, cooking it and preserving it. At the beginning, when my husband was furloughed with nothing to do, we introduced morning coffee – with cake and afternoon tea – with cake. It certainly cheered us up, but I’m rather relieved that he is at least partially back to work.

Being the competitive types we are, we also thought we’d add a little spice to our culinary adventures and started a competition for the best entree of the day. A dear friend was hauled in to guess who made it, but we didn’t ask her to say who won. My husband, who until recently was adept at making frozen pizza and big breakfast, is now very good at a number of exotic dishes. He is currently making flat bread in the kitchen. Having proven his capabilities, there is no way he will be allowed to slide back once the crisis ends, though I may allow him the weekdays off!

From frozen pizza to chocolate cake – lock-down’s surprising gift. Image: Jeff Costello-McFeat

A new challenge

With MS, it is always difficult to find ways to increase fitness and stamina. The disease works against you in the most frustrating ways. So I was delighted to find a fitness/life-style programme that could help me and perhaps even lesson my symptoms. It is called the Wim Hof method and involves cold treatments, breathing exercises and yoga. During the pandemic, they were offering reduced price courses on-line and with any number of weeks stretching ahead of us, we decided to give it a go. For ten weeks, we dutifully followed the programme. I confess that around the six week mark, I felt like giving up. I was hard. I’ll write about it fully next time, but let’s just say it was worth all the effort. The downside is that, course over, we need to carry on with it anyway.

Puppy love

Our leisurely, civilised life came to an abrupt halt with the arrival of Hermione. Picking up the umpteenth poo and waiting in the garden while she has five more minutes play, I sometimes wonder if it was an act of insanity getting a dog. (My husband, no doubt, has these thoughts at 3am when he gets up to let her out.) I’ve been through this all before with my old dog (and I got up that time) but just like childbirth, one forgets! And just like having children, the sea of tiredness, stress and frustration (puppies are like insane toddlers) disappears when they lie down quietly or give an adoring look.

We are gradually regaining a semblance of normal life, creating routines and filling quiet moments with human tasks. We are learning to accommodate each other’s needs and relax a little our desire to be in control of our days (and nights!) She requires immense amounts of time, attention and love, but of all the things we did last summer – this was the best.

Is it nap time yet? Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

Ode to Autumn

As I get older and myself enter my autumn years, I’ve found my affection for this season increasing. It is a subtle time full of muted colour, mellow sunlight and crisp, dry days.

It is tempting to think of autumn as summer’s swan song; a last performance before the chill of winter sets in. Yet, autumn is not an addendum to summer, a nostalgic nod to former, warmer days, but a season in its own right filled with the matured glories of the ending year.


Pumpkins and plenty Image: Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

Until the 16th century and our gradual move from an agrarian to industrial society, autumn was known as harvest. Indeed, in some Germanic languages, it still is.

I think it a more fitting name, for this is the period when the crops are brought in; a time of plenty, even glut. Keats describes it as:

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,

    Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;

Conspiring with him how to load and bless

    With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run

John Keats ‘To Autumn’

Looked at in this way, it is no longer summer’s poor relation, but a period of joyous abundance. Though my garden is less colourful than before, there are still apples and pears to be picked, raspberries on their canes and a second wave of squashes flowering. My black kale is now large enough to crop and my giant sunflowers are growing apace. Across the land, there is a profusion of wild and cultivated crops. Hedgerows are laced with elderberries, blackberries and sloes. The last perfectly timed for making special Christmas gin.

Autumn crocus Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

Celebrating autumn

Though autumn technically begins on 22 September with the autumn equinox, I like to think of it as beginning on the 1 September. Though few people decorate to celebrate autumn, I have always liked to – not least because it also marks the beginning of a school year and my students enjoyed the changing environment of my home classroom.

Though I have few students now and need to teach on-line, there is nothing to stop me creating my own autumn display and I encourage you to do the same. There is an abundance of beautiful foliage, seed heads and hardy fruits and vegetables that you can decorate with and of course, those rare, delightful autumn blooms.

Floral tribute to the season Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

Bringing nature inside (whatever the season) invariably uplifts us. We do not need to have floristry skills to arrange a bouquet- only a vase. And if our display ends up like a primary school nature table, so what? I like those.

A dear friend in the States always honours every season with elaborate decorations (even when travelling with her job). What appeared, at first, as an adorable idiosyncracy has become a model for living. Making the effort to mark the season in and of itself makes it special. Selecting, picking and arranging flowers and objects makes us focus on their meaning. These little tableaus offer perfect life lessons that we absorb almost unconsciously – and the pleasure of our finished work brings us (and others) joy.

The dying leaf has a poignant beauty Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

I confess that I now follow her lead shamelessly and look forward to the challenge that each new display brings.

Quiet times

The occasional riotous assemblies of Halloween and Bonfire Night aside, autumn is a quiet time, ripe for reflection and contemplation. The gentle melancholy that accompanies the end of summer is more to be enjoyed than shunned. Just as a picture without shadow has no depth, so a year.

And I like the stillness of the season. We have no great expectations. We require nothing of autumn. If it gifts us with a balmy day, we greet it with gratitude. If we are given rain and drear skies, we try not to complain. Autumn helps teach us acceptance – and we are all the better for it.

Autumn’s rainbow Image: Chris Lawton on Unsplash

Apples and Puppy Training

The last week has passed in something of a blur. It has been dominated by two things: apples and puppy training. The apples, are reaching the end of their life cycle; Hermione is just beginning hers.

Under the apple tree. Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

Apples, apples everywhere

The high winds we have been experiencing all week have certainly made apple picking easier. Instead of reaching up, I just reach down to the ground. We now have an absolute glut of fruit and despite my best efforts, the trug never diminishes.

But there is joy in plenty, not least because there is enough to share. Friends and neighbours have all been enjoying the fruits of my tree. And for those neighbours who are also keeping productive gardens, we get to swap our surplus for theirs.

My only sadness is that I can’t bake cake to share. That will have to wait till next year.

50 ways to cook your apples

I admit that I am exaggerating a little bit, but I have been learning all sorts of new ways to eat and preserve this most versatile fruit. So far, I’ve made apple vinegar, apple berry jam, apple rings, spiced apple compot, apples for the freezer, baked apples, apple puree (which is perfect for vegan baking) and my favourite so far: toffee apple fruit leather. I’ve been meaning to make fruit leather (fruit roll-ups) for years and now have finally done it. If you have surplus fruits, I highly recommend it. It’s perfect for little snacks. And if you have a brilliant apple recipe you’d like to share, please post it in the comments section.

How do you like your apples? Image: Karen Costello-McFeat


Of course, whilst doing all this, I’ve had a little helper. Well, helper might not be quite the right word. Companion would be more appropriate. Hermione is very happy to sit in the kitchen and watch, but needs numerous breaks to run about the garden and relieve herself.

So every forty minutes or so, my husband or I don our rain jackets and run outside. The apple tree serves a purpose here too, as Hermione loves to eat the fallen fruit – though sadly only the most rotten and revolting looking. The capacity of a dog’s stomach to consume the most disgusting food, never fails to amaze me. She neglects, of course, any of the more edible windfalls.

Who needs a ball when you can have an apple? Image: Karen Costello-McFeat


With her jabs complete, Hermione is now free to run wild in the garden. Her breed is naturally intelligent and requires a great deal of stimulation and challenge. Having mastered the art of sit, paw and recall within days, we thought we better add some more difficult tasks. So now our garden has become a sort of mini adventure playground. The gardening stool makes for an excellent ‘tunnel’ to run under or, when tipped upside down, to jump over. We have a raised path with steps that she rather alarmingly runs up and down and low wall from which she takes terrifying leaps.

Like children, she most enjoys toys that are not toys at all: an empty plastic bottle, a plastic flower pot, a stick and a hose attachment are all kept in the toy box outside. The advantage of this is that as soon as one of these is gnawed to pieces, another can be found. We are working on her retrieval skills (she is a bird dog after all) and she once managed to bring an apple. This dog might come in useful after all.

Hermione with her favourite toy: a rotating hose pipe attachment. Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

Puppy lessons

While we have been teaching Hermione, she of course, has been teaching us. When you spend time outside with a child or a puppy, you realise that the world is an infinitely fascinating place. Every leaf, branch and insect is something to be explored and this sense of wonder is something that we should all nurture – not least if we are to have any hope of healing our damaged world.

The apple tree, to me, epitomises the generosity of nature. She gives and gives. The humble cooking apple may not be the most exotic of fruits, but with it I have been able to make endless treats that will remind us of summer even in the depth of winter. And I try not to take any for granted. My apples are hardly supermarket perfect, but a little effort on my end means that very few are wasted. It has taken a year for this fruit to be produced. Surely I can take a few minutes to remove a bruise or insect damage.

For me, living with wild things (and Hermione is certainly wild sometimes) helps ground me. Living as we do in the world of the mind or the cyber world of internet and social media, it is easy to become detached from what actually is.

In the virtual world, our desires are but a thought or a click away. In the real world, we need patience and hard work to get what we want. And paradoxically, it is the latter that brings a more lasting joy.

So, like a doting grandparent, I shall leave you with one last picture of Hermione with her new best friend – a snail.

Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

The Urban Homestead

Perhaps I watched too many episodes of Little House on the Prairie or The Good Life* in my youth, but I have always been in love with the idea of self-sufficiency. Growing up in an urban environment, I was not deterred from my desire to live mainly in nature. I spent my time running around the local woods with my friend Jennifer; creating snail hotels in the garden and making rose water on summer afternoons.

Not much, it seems has changed. I’ve swapped the woods for a garden with a decent sized vegetable patch; snail hotels for a dog and fruit vinegar for ‘eau de rose’. (Of course, the rose water never worked. It was just pile of slushy petals festering in a jam jar – but one has to begin somewhere!)

Fruits of our labours Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

Now I have my own home with its little patch of land, I wish to use it to create an ‘urban homestead’ where I can learn at least a little self-sufficiency. No doubt that seems perverse when everything we need is just a click away. But that is the point. When things come too easily, they lose their value and their magic. And in handing over the responsibility to others to feed and clothe and meet our every need, we also hand over a little of our independence.

Going green

One of the reasons I am embarking on this quest is an attempt, small though it is, to reduce my carbon footprint and heal the tiny piece of earth under my control.

Our garden is fully organic, which means we do have to deal with a fair amount of loss due to insects and our fruit is seldom free of ‘little friends’. Yet, sharing benefits us all in the end. Even snails, I discovered, are as likely to be pollinators as pests and if they eat my perfect young cucumbers plants to the nubbins, I will not starve.

I would gladly sacrifice a few leaves for this beauty! Image: Harald Arlander on Unsplash

Our garden is significantly enhanced by our wildlife. Pollinators like wasps swarm the rocket flowers and then our own ornamental ones. The caterpillars who nibbled our broccoli plants have now returned as beautiful cabbage white butterflies. And this abundance of insects ensures that the wide variety of garden birds are fed.

And what we eat comes without any travel miles at all.

From seed to plate

I have started trying to be a real gardener – and that means growing from seed rather than picking up plants from the nursery. It can be a very hit and miss affair, with some little seeds never making it to seedlings and others growing like Triffids.

Yet, when it works, it is truly miraculous. The minute seeds I planted in propagators and kept on the window sill are now three feet high broccoli plants. The £2 packet of summer squash seeds have yielded many, many pounds of patty pan, gem squash and courgettes.

A good day’s harvest Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

My husband is especially proud of his purple beans. They are currently plentiful and the flavour of a just picked bean is hard to surpass. We try to eat our vegetables and fruit as soon as they are ready and sometimes, of course, you have a glut. Yet, abundance provides the joy of giving. In pre-Corona days, I would invite friends over, give them a carrier bag and tell them to help themselves. Now I drop bags off on their doorsteps.


When there is more produce ready than we can eat, I have turned to preserving. It is laborious and time-consuming, but laying the results away brings me infinite joy. These last few months, I have learned all sorts of ways to successfully preserve – largely thanks to YouTube and foodie websites. The easiest way is to freeze and my freezer drawers are now crammed with apples, squash and rainbow chard.

I’ve also attempted pickling for the first time. My cute rainbow beets are now preserved in spiced vinegar. I feel I ought to try some chutneys too. We certainly have enough apples!

Drying has proven to be an excellent method for storing items long term. I routinely dry my lavender and herbs and this year tried rose petals. You don’t need any fancy equipment or even much space for drying. Either tie in bunches and hang upside down in paper bags in a dark place or lay out on sheets of paper (this works best for flowers like rose petals and elderflowers.) Leafy items such as kale and parsley do well in a very cool oven over a long time. For tiny bunches of parsley, lay them on a cooling tray over a baking one to increase air flow. This method also works very well for apple rings.

When the children were young, I often took them to the local fruit farm to pick strawberries and then I made jam. This year, I had just enough blackcurrants to make my husband a jar and I’m planning in the next few days to make apple berry jams with our garden apples and wonky frozen fruits.

By approaching all this as a sort of science experiment/culinary adventure, the outcomes become less pressing. The process is interesting enough. If I succeed in making something delicious, that is a bonus. My favourite discovery this year is making fruit vinegars from scratch. They take about a month to mature, but the result is a sweet, milder vinegar that is perfect for salad dressings – or even as a probiotic when a teaspoon is added to water.

First batch of vinegars and preserves Image: Jeff Costello-McFeat

Lock-down has not been great for many things, but it has given me the perfect opportunity to pursue my ideal of self-sufficiency. Learning the skills needed takes oodles of time. These last months, I have been granted that.

Through all the learning and the waiting and the monotonous manual labour, I have discovered that working slowly and patiently brings its own rewards. Whatever we create from nothing – a vegetable from a seed; a meal from a newly picked squash – gives us an enormous amount of joy. Ask anyone what they are most proud of and I’m sure that 9 out of 10 times, it is something they have made.

I am endlessly grateful for the privilege of living in the modern world with its technology and comfort, but I also believe that we do well to sometimes remind ourselves that survival really is hard. When we practise self-sufficiency with all its frustrations and struggles and slowness, we remind ourselves to be grateful for all those things we take for granted. And gratitude is key to our well-being. And now, I need to stop typing and make some more apple sauce.

* The Good Life was a successful British sitcom where an idealistic middle-aged couple sought to live self-sufficiently in their home in Surbiton outside London.

What a Difference a Day Makes

For the past several years, I have been endeavouring to live in the moment. With the exception of prudent provision, I try to live without plans. I say try, because I am naturally a control freak – always second guessing and attempting to avoid difficulties; trying to bend the chaos into order. I have been attempting a Herculean task – but without the benefits of his muscles and a demi-god status.

Coupled with this intention was that of saying ‘Yes!’ to life. For a long time now, I have felt that life was always saying ‘No!’ to me. No you cannot be well; no you cannot visit your children; no you cannot pursue a career of your dreams. Perhaps it is cussedness, or delusion, but I have determined to say ‘Yes!’ all the same. Like a petulant toddler, I was not taking ‘No!’ for an answer.

This last weekend, these twin intentions collided. I indulged in spontaneity and I said yes. And I’m so glad I did.

A shaky start

Friday promised the discomfort of my Zumeta infusion. (A preventative one to help reduce the likelihood of bone cancer.) Let’s just say that cannulas and I are not very compatible, and this held true that afternoon.

Not the best way to spend a sunny afternoon Image: Dimitri Karastelev on Unsplash

Sweet and kind though the staff always are, it was Friday afternoon and everyone was hot and tired. The actual infusion only took fifteen minutes, but I was trapped in the chemo ward for an hour and a half. And when I was done, I wanted to weep with relief.

Discovering that my infusion was the final one was a joy. Discovering that my white blood cell count had barely recovered in two years was more than a little demoralising. I would have to continue to self isolate for the foreseeable future. I have been isolating quite happily through spring and summer, but autumn and winter are waiting like a pantomime villain in the wings.

Making the best of things

Regardless of that, a celebration was in order. We ordered a delicious take-away from our favourite Japanese restaurant, and put any fears for the future on hold.

My husband’s sushi – not quite as perfect, but just as delicious! Image: Karen Costello McFeat

Life is what happens…

I was exhausted and the next day, all I had scheduled was a sea swim in the morning; a very socially distanced hello with my niece who was celebrating her birthday and then the rest of the day swinging in the hammock.

At least, this is what I was anticipating. Unbeknownst to me, my husband had other plans.

On the Friday morning, I had mentioned rather casually, that we should perhaps consider having a dog again. We had gone back and forth on the issue for months, but for once we seemed to be in alignment. And my husband, who had secretly been looking for a dog, was ready to go.

So late on Saturday morning while I swung in the hammock, oblivious, he had been negotiating with a family for a new puppy. We had had so many disappointments in the process to date that I had asked him not to show or mention a dog until it was a done deal.

A pleasant surprise

Around noon, the phone rang and my husband turned to me and asked, ‘Would you like this puppy?’ Staring from the screen was the most adorable black Cocker Spaniel. My heart lurched. I love spaniels, though I would have been happy with any medium to small dog with four legs and a regular heart beat. With dogs at such a premium, I doubted we would be getting the pick of the litter, but she ticked every box.

My face showed my assent far before my words. ‘Of course! Of Course! When can we meet her?’

‘She’s ready to collect this afternoon,’ my husband told me. And by three o’clock we were off to Kent to fetch her.

We met in the garden with her mum and she confidently came up to us and gave us a doggy kiss. The deal was sealed.

Introducing Hermione Rose Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

Puppy struck

Puppies are clearly designed to have ridiculous heart-tug appeal – and Hermione is no exception. Why else would a sane human being accept broken nights, cleaning up little ‘accidents’ and having to completely rearrange their house to make it puppy safe?

Choosing to get a puppy was hardly a rational act. Yet, I am glad I ignored the nagging voice that kept saying: ‘What about when you are unwell? What about all those expenses? What about, what about??’

Life is risk. We can learn to minimise it; we can learn to put contingency plans in place, but ultimately we need to have faith in ourselves and our futures. The worst may well happen sooner than I’d like, but for now, I have a superb wee companion who will be loved and cherished. And love and friendship are really what life is all about. The rest is just housekeeping.

Sea Views

Over the last few weeks, I have been participating in a Wim Hof training course. It provides a non-invasive way to control and perhaps even lessen the symptoms of MS. A key component of the method is exposure to the cold. This can be achieved by taking chilly showers, but I have found a much more enjoyable route to the same end: sea swimming.

So, every couple of days, we rise early and head to the beach. The sun hangs low on the horizon and spreads out an apron of sunlight upon the sea. The silhouettes of intrepid paddle boarders and swimmers dot the waters and, onshore, the newly washed pebbles glisten.

Everywhere I look, there is a magnificent vista. And the only question I ask myself is why I haven’t been doing this before.

The psychological blocks

When I tell people about my sea swims, they do one of two things: one – look slightly horrified or two – say that they would also love to go. Sadly, they seldom do. And I understand that. For years, my boys all went sailing and paddle boarding in the most inclement weather (my husband once went surfing when there was snow on the beach) and I would stay at home drinking tea and thinking wistfully that it must be wonderful to be out in the ocean.

Forcing ourselves out of our comfort zone is just plain hard. We tell ourselves that we are busy; the weather is not quite warm enough and that changing on a cold beach is a pain (it is). All these are true, but few things of value are gained without inconvenience.

The rewards

For me, the rewards well outweigh a few goosebumps. The days when we swim, I feel the same excitement I had as a child on holiday. Sea swimming is, quite simply, exhilarating. Unlike the pool, there is no danger of being crashed into by inconsiderate swimmers doing diagonal backstroke, or being dive bombed my energetic teens. There is no sting of chlorine or the babble of voices booming around the echo chamber that is the municipal baths. There is only the gentle plash of the waves and the call of the gulls overhead.

Come on in! The water is lovely. Image: Jeff Costello-McFeat

For anyone with a disability, swimming is often the only aerobic exercise one can do. However, getting in and out a pool is not easy and asking for the hoist is embarrassing. Then one has to negotiate the slippery floors of changing rooms. Getting in and out the sea is much easier and I have my husband to help get me there and to change afterwards.

Another benefit is that the sea is cold. MS really is not compatible with heat, and my local pool is positively tropical. In the cool of the ocean, I am able to exercise far longer and more easily. The result? I complete my swim energised and fitter – a double win.


I am a great believer in the healing powers of natural beauty, and I can think of almost nowhere that could compete with the views the sea commands. Looking out to sea, there is the enchanting image of sunlight dancing on water and above skies stretching to eternity. Clouds form and reform in an endless choreography of vapour. On bright, early mornings even the moon is visible – a chalky disc set in the blue.

The shoreline is delightful too. When far enough out, the deep green Downs with their ghostly white faces undulate far above the water. They serve as reminders of the land the sea has given up, but will reclaim again.

And scanning the promenade to the headland of Hastings, there are the pretty gardens, the elegant hotels, the bandstand and the pier.

Eastbourne – early morning Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

A word of warning

The sea is truly sublime – in Burke’s Romantic sense. It evokes feelings of awe, but also of terror. As with all wild places, there is an element of risk that makes it more appealing. The sea may beguile us with its beauty, but we should never underestimate its power. Calm seas may conceal strong currents; waves can catch us unaware; we may not be as strong a swimmer as we think.

Since I can never be certain that my MS won’t suddenly decide to make my legs stop working, I always swim with my husband close by. He is happy to circle me like an amiable shark and I am definitely more confident with him by my side.

Having extolled the virtues of the cold, I should be honest about its downside. Sea swimming is best enjoyed at a leisurely pace. It’s important to let your body acclimatise to the cold without rushing in (especially on hot days). A rash vest provides a little more warmth and a wet suit more still.

It is important to keep swims to a moderate length. Fifteen to twenty minutes is perfect for us. Any longer and we start to really feel cold and it is difficult to warm back up on a beach in the early morning. If you start to feel warm when swimming, it is a danger signal and you must get out immediately. It means that hypothermia has set in. Nature gives no quarter. It is magnificent, yes, but also deadly. It is as well to remember that.

A healthy habit

My morning swims have become a habit now. Though I know there are a few hardy souls who swim all year round, I suspect that come winter I shall return to my exercise bike.

While I can still do it though, I intend to continue as long as possible. The benefits that have accrued are impressive. Swimming in the sea requires all your concentration and thus acts as a sort of meditation. It is exercise, but never monotonous or dull. Each swim will be as different as the ever shifting tides.

A good swim will pretty much ensure a good night’s sleep – a boon for all of us. Studies have shown that cold water swimming can improve mental states and create greater resilience to infection. As a method for improving health, it is difficult to beat.

So I encourage you, while this delightful summer continues, to dig out your swimwear and take the plunge.


This week’s post was inspired by a line from a novel I read recently. The protagonist is in a meditation class and she reports what the teacher says:

She gave us a formula: suffering = pain + resistance.

Jenny Offill, Weather

And that was it. The novel moves on. I read the line once and then again. I looked for some development of the idea, some clarification, but there was nothing. I was left with this line spinning around my head, tapping me on the shoulder at odd moments, nudging me to find a solution.

Days went by and then a week and then more days. I’d like to say that I cracked it, but I’m not sure. What it did do was make me think much more deeply about suffering.

It is rather like when you buy a new car. It seems so unique and exciting in the showroom. You’ve seldom seen such a gorgeous model before and you drive it home full of pride. Then, over the next few days, you notice a few cars exactly the same as yours and eventually you realise they are everywhere. As with suffering. If you can steel yourself to look, it is all around you.

Hiding in plain sight

For the uncomfortable truth is that we all suffer and yet we are loath to talk about it or address it. It is unseemly, impolite. A lovely neighbour of mine who died of cancer of the oesophagus, said to me when I was unwell myself, ‘Always look cheerful and don’t complain or no-one will talk to you.’ I was slightly aghast and reasoned that maybe it was a generational or a man thing. However, I’ve since come to realise that he was right. There is acceptable suffering: the holiday was cancelled; the traffic bad; the weather awful. Then there is the unacceptable kind: I’m in pain; my anxiety is terrible; I’m afraid or simply sad.

Incapacitated by sadness Image: Zygimantas Dukaukas on Unsplash

Feeling uncomfortable?

Apologies if you are uncomfortable, but there is no other way that I can share this. And if you bear with me, I think there are paths we can take that will be beneficial to all of us. We may dream of a world where pain is abolished, but the truth is that suffering is woven into life’s fabric far too closely to be removed. If joy is the warp, pain is the weave.

As if to prove the point, our amazing progress in the developed world may have saved us from the apocalyptic suffering of the developing nations, but it has not made us happier or pain-free. We may be diverted from suffering by drugs and distractions, but it still crouches in the corner awaiting to ambush us when our guard is down.

In fact, I believe that our insistence that suffering can be overcome is the very thing that prevents us from finding the solution. For if the mediation teacher is correct and suffering = pain + resistance, we need to change the formula.

A new formula

In this equation, we need to substitute two elements: suffering and resistance. Pain, I’m sure you agree, is a constant. From the little reading I’ve done in Western Buddhism, I know that resistance is to be avoided, so I’m going to substitute resistance with acceptance. What then would that equate to? What is the opposite of suffering? I would argue: peace – being at peace within ourselves and our bodies no matter how imperfect they are. So our new formula reads:

Peace = pain + acceptance

Peace be with you Image: Sunyu on Unsplash

First steps

Perhaps the first and most important step is acknowledging suffering in ourselves and others. Denial or wishing to fix it represents our discomfort with an unpleasant reality. It takes courage to look distress in the eye without flinching.

Yet, if we can do this, a kind of healing takes place. Through listening to another’s pain, we are acknowledging it; giving it serious attention. In doing so, we accept the situation and help the sufferer to accept it also. It is the greatest kindness we can give. After all, any true improvement needs to come from the one who suffers themselves. That may indeed involve intervention from other experts – but they must book the appointment.


Compassion literally means to suffer together. When we show compassion then, we do not look down or pity the victim, but we hold them as equals. It is a difficult thing to do, not least because there is an obvious imbalance between the giver and receiver. We also have to let go of the egotistical desire to be praised for doing a good deed. We have to draw upon the knowledge of our own suffering to meet that of our friend. We can then stand by them with full understanding and love. And with that acceptance, comes peace.

Come under my umbrella and we can both keep dry Image: JW on Unsplash

Morning has Broken

Morning has broken like the first morning

Blackbird has spoken like the first bird

Praise for the singing

Praise for the morning

Praise for them springing fresh from the world

Eleanor Farjeon

Morning song

As a child, this was one of my favourite hymns, which I sang joyfully in assembly. The message was simple – mornings represented everything good. They were an opportunity for fresh starts and new adventures and I greeted them with excitement each day.

As I grew older, mornings became something that were met with dread: the teenage horror of getting up early for school; the six am feed when the baby had been awake all night; the crushing exhaustion as my MS insidiously shortened my days.

Now, I have returned to my childhood joy of greeting the morning. My sleep has been restored (I shall explain how in a later blog) and each day really is a blessing. So when I was up and enjoying my first mug of hot water and mindfully observing the garden in the sunshine, it was this song that came to mind.

Inspired by my favourite village, Alfriston, and the melody based on a traditional Scottish Gaelic tune ‘Bunessan’, it is perhaps not so surprising that it speaks to me.

Here’s the Cat Stevens’ version to get you into the mood.

A perfect celebration of the new day

Reclaim the light

It seems that mornings have fallen out of favour. After scrolling through three Google pages, expecting to find all sorts of fascinating facts and rituals based upon morning, I found only articles on the meaning and etymology of the word and the wonderfully droll comment, that ‘There is no ‘urban’ definition for morning because the type of people who speak ‘urban’ do not know what morning is.’

Out of the mouths of babes and urban dictionaries. As we’ve detached ourselves further and further from the natural cycles of day and night, the morning has become insignificant or an irritant to our busy man-made, artificially lit days.

It is time to reclaim the morning. It is, after all, the perfect moment to set our minds and bodies into balance. Grabbing a coffee and rushing to work does the opposite. We are wrong footed from the start and the subsequent hours are likely to be harried and stressful.

The solution is as simple as setting the alarm ten or fifteen minutes earlier and trying to keep to that schedule throughout the week – including weekends. I am not suggesting you get up at dawn (though I know some who do) but to ease yourself into rising at a slightly earlier hour. In doing so, we buy ourselves the most precious of commodities: time.

Since I have been getting up earlier, I have been able to indulge in quiet mindfulness. On Sunday morning, I sat for at least half an hour watching the garden come to life, listening to birdsong and the hum of bees in the lavender; watching the elegant duet of tiny butterflies in the marjoram and seeing the sleepy heads of the golden ragwort-like flowers gradually straighten and release their petals.

I do this each day and there are always blessings to be found. One day a giant dragonfly came and looped across the sky, another a long legged cricket hopped by my feet and today a tiny mouse was skittering across the back of the bench where I was sitting. Without stillness, without calm, such miracles will never be witnessed.

Okay, my field mouse wasn’t in a tulip – but just as cute! Image: Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Making the most of ‘free’ time

The extra time has also allowed me to do the exercises I need to optimise my health. The yoga and breathing takes about an hour, but this does not matter, because it is ‘free time’ stolen from time in bed. And the beauty of this virtuous circle is that this activity is the very thing that ensures my sleep is deep and nourishing.

Recently, the weather has been kind and there are few things more delightful than practising yoga on a dewy lawn. When I do the pose, ‘Salute the sun’, that is exactly what I am doing. When I lie back on my mat, I do not have to envisage being connected to the earth – I am, literally.

And since I am self-isolating, it also gives opportunities to go out. There are not many people about at seven-thirty in the morning and my husband and I have used this to our advantage to go for early morning sea swims. We usually have the beach to ourselves. We can relax and enjoy the experience thoroughly, since we do not have that background hum of anxiety to spoil it.

All the religious disciplines I know of call for an early start to the day, beginning with prayer. For some of you, that may well be the path you choose, for others our prayers can be more secular, a sense of gratitude for our continuing lives and the opportunity to begin again afresh. But whatever you do, I encourage you to see it as a ritual; an act full of meaning and significance. Then you really will enjoy the morning’s blessings.

The blackbird is speaking: enjoy his song.

The maestro of the garden Image: Photo by Nicolas DC on Unsplash

Expanding the Possible

I don’t believe in fixed boundaries when it comes to living – only flexible ones. When we are sad or depressed, we bring in those walls as a form of self-protection, though ironically, they simply seal our fate. We need to break down the barriers; free ourselves from our ‘mind-forged manacles’ and embrace the possible so that we can live to our full potential. Does this involve risk? Absolutely. Does it involve discomfort, denial, discipline? Definitely. Is it worth it? Do you need to ask?

At 7.30 am this morning, my husband and I headed off to the beach. It was a pretty day and the sea was calling. We were going for a swim. At such an early hour, there was no concern over social distancing, only that the sea would be on the chilly side. It was. But after a few weeks of cold training, it was perfectly fine. After a few minutes, it was positively pleasant.

The best way to start the day! Image: Jenny Bess on Unsplash

Since the sea is strong, and I am not, my husband circled close by in case I got into difficulties. (When I talk of risk, I mean the small and manageable rather than the fool-hardy kind.) I managed fifteen minutes, which is hardly an Olympic standard, but it is a progression for me.

And this raises a crucially important point: expanding the possible takes time. Our culture is so obsessed with quick results that we often give up before we really begin. If one thing doesn’t work, we try another, forgetting that everything from learning the piano to running a marathon involves dedicated and incremental steps.

Finding balance

Slowing down often, as in the fable of the tortoise and the hare, means reaching our goal faster (see https://whenlifegivesyoulemons.blog/life-in-the-slow-lane/). Taking time means that we will generally be more successful in achieving our wish – no matter how unlikely or impossible it seemed at the outset. I was completely inspired this week by the Swedish photographer and artist Janna Jinton. Her stone balancing is truly breathtaking. I’ll let you see for yourself in the video below.

My husband and I tried this with a few pebbles this morning. We managed three standing upright and were very pleased with ourselves! Even on such a small scale, it was empowering. And whenever we try and succeed in pushing ourselves and our skills a little further, we feed our very souls.

Witnessing the impossible

In order to attempt the seemingly impossible, most of us will need a little prompting from someone who has already blazed the trail. For me, this has been Wim Hof , an extreme athlete and multiple record holder. My husband mentioned his exploits some time ago and I was duly amazed. After a video chat with my Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis friends, his name came up again, and I did some further research. Here are some of the ‘impossible’ things that he has done:

  • Running a half marathon above the Arctic Circle, barefoot only wearing shorts
  • Swimming underneath ice for 66 meters
  • Hanging on one finger at an altitude of 2,000 meters
  • Climbing the highest mountains in the world while wearing only shorts
  • Running a full marathon in the Namib Desert without drinking
  • Standing in a container while covered in ice cubes for extended periods of time
  • Shown scientifically, that the autonomous nervous system related to the innate immune response, can be wilfully influenced, something that was previously unknown to science https://www.wimhofmethod.com/iceman-wim-hof

All of these exploits have been checked and confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records, so I think we can trust them. That said, my mind still reels. I still wanted some visual proof and here it is:

Seeing is believing

These incredible feats were not achieved overnight, but after decades of serious training. When pushing our boundaries – wherever they lie – we need to take tiny steps allowing for rest and recovery in between. If we do not, we risk injury and capitulation.

We also need to enjoy the experience. I love the sea and I love swimming. Putting up with a little cold, therefore, is a small price to pay to experience both.

I also love my daily yoga ritual and look forward to it as one of the first things I do each day. It wasn’t always like this. In the past, I would prevaricate and skip days and forget – even though the yoga itself was always physically healing and relaxing. It took the discipline of doing it daily to break that behaviour.

Don’t stop

Committing to a goal is the first step in achieving it. We are capable of so much more than we imagine. However, there is a significant caveat here. We do not all begin from the same point in terms of age or ability. All we can do is expand our own boundaries millimetre by millimetre in whichever field seems most important to us. I will never run a marathon, nor likely ever run, but I can work on my mobility and general health to optimise it. That is my marathon training.

Importantly, I can never, ever stop. For life to be the amazing, fulfilling adventure that I believe it is meant to be, we must never cease testing and stretching ourselves to expand the possible. We are capable of so much more than we even dream.


Just a little bit …

A true diva

In a time of extreme divisions and, in some cases a complete breakdown of society, it seems more vital than ever that we come together to engage in open and honest debate. But to do this, we need to remember the first vital rule: that we respect those whose opinions differ from our own.

Each day brings new stories of trolling, deplatforming and cancelling. To me, these are all ugly words which threaten the very basis of a healthy, functioning society: freedom of expression. This does not mean that I advocate giving a voice to those whose words are vile or untrue – there are laws for that – but simply that we listen with open hearts and minds.

Throughout these turbulent months, I have been turning to my Quaker Faith and Practice to gain a moral compass in these uncharted seas. Indeed, this is where the germ of the idea for this blog began. I’d like to share this with you:

…When words are strange or disturbing to you, try to sense where they come from and what has nourished the lives of others. Listen patiently and seek the truth which other people’s opinions may contain for you. Avoid hurtful criticism and provocative language. Do not allow the strength of your convictions to betray you into making statements or allegations that are unfair or untrue. Think it possible that you may be mistaken.

Quaker Faith & Practice, Advices and queries 17


We all find it hard to listen to what others say and especially when our minds are clouded by our own prejudices. If we are honest with ourselves, we often hear nothing the speaker says when we have a negative view of them. Our thoughts are too full of proving them wrong, looking for flaws or simply despising them.

Though we are unlikely to have chats with world leaders any time soon, we are going to have conversations with our friends and neighbours. Brexit, in the UK, caused serious rifts; Trump did the same in America. Whatever side of the divide we fall on though, at least half the country will fall on the other. Race issues are resulting in further fissures, but the truth is that somehow, we all need to get along.

We can work towards reconciliation, or division. I know which I prefer and it needs to start here, with us.

I hear you Image: Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Listening is an active rather than a passive act. It is important that we engage physically with proper eye contact and body language and that we indicate in some way that we have heard. Perhaps we need to paraphrase what was said, ask open questions or pick up stitches of their words and knit them into our own discourse. We need to allow room for expression and avoid my worst habit of jumping in before they finish.

Stick to the facts

As tweets and retweets fly and posts on social media bombard us, it is very difficult to know what is true. These platforms have no fact checkers and we are often subsumed with confusing and often contradictory information. Mainstream media doesn’t seem to do much better – shouting in headlines and emotive pictures and giving very little space to the rather less thrilling facts and figures.

Fortunately, we do have access to the truth, should we wish to take the time. And it is utterly vital that we do. Whatever position we take, it should be an informed one. Our arguments have no power, if we do not understand what we are advocating; our ability to change opinion rests on our understanding of why someone holds an opposing point of view. Perhaps, as is often the case, their position rests in fear. If we take our task as allaying those fears, we might well find they change their minds. If we ridicule or ignore their concerns, no number of fine words will sway them.

Keep calm

With inflammatory issues, where people have passionate feelings, it is extraordinarily difficult to keep calm. Most of us are able to restrain ourselves from physical violence, but it is well to remember that violence in the mind can be equally toxic: to ourselves and others.

It is in states of anger that we are most likely to exaggerate, be hurtful or bend the truth to our argument. None of this ultimately helps. Assuming that our goal is to achieve positive change, we will never do this through aggression and conflict. Violence begets violence and I am more than a little perturbed that many young people feel it is a valid path. Even the most cursory look at history will show that violent reform leads only to misery. Stalin, Chairman Mao and Pol Pot provide the most striking recent examples.

The fruits of violence are misery, orphans and widows Image: Randy Colas on Unsplash

Be the change that you wish to see

Change starts with each individual. And it starts with action not speech. We must first look to ourselves, our failings and and our own foibles before we look for those in others. Then, and only then should we act. We must let our lives speak for us. And if we do, we will find our voice is considerably more powerful and persuasive. A more just and compassionate world is within our grasp. Let us reach for it.