Image: Karen Costello-McFeat
After almost three years apart, my son and his fiancee’s visit seemed all too brief. We crammed in trips to the beach and local beauty spots and arranged to end with a large garden party. Knowing that only a handful of people from the UK would be able to attend their wedding next year in Maine, USA, we decided to have an engagement party here. It would not be nearly so grand, but it would allow all those who knew my son to meet his bride to be and share their good wishes.
Planning such a party for a large number meant starting well before the arrival of my son. I’m sure that I have used several trees with all the lists and notes. As the day grew closer, those notes were put into action and I shamelessly asked for the help of anyone willing to give it.
Parties, like ice-bergs, only reveal the very tip of all the effort put into them, as anyone who has hosted one knows. And the trick is to make it look as it has required almost no effort at all. No guest wants to feel beholden to their host nor that they have been an inconvenience, so we practice the trompe l’oeil of hospitality . To do this, everything must be in place; everything ready.

Image: Karen Costello-McFeat
Our first challenge was to find sufficient tables, chairs and places offering shade for up to fifty guests (we had a bit fewer in the end!) My friends came up trumps as always: offering chairs, gazebos and yards and yards of wonderful handmade bunting.
We set up the evening before and just seeing the garden looking so joyful and inviting helped give me the energy for the following day. It also gave me a great opportunity to chat with my future daughter-in-law, Genevieve, as we festooned the trees with colour.
Working together
I’d seriously started baking the week before, storing everything in the freezer as soon as it was cool from the oven. Friends kindly offered to bring their brilliant bakes and I commissioned one particularly able cook to make me some gluten free delicacies. Knowing I had at least a few beautiful cakes to look forward to took a great deal of the stress out of my own efforts.

Multiple shopping trips were made to the supermarket, baker’s and greengrocer’s and when everything was assembled, we were ready.
One couple arrived early and immediately set to making sandwiches and that kindness allowed Greg and Genevieve to say hello to the guests, many of whom had come from afar.

In the past, I have always been reluctant to ask for help, but now I say ‘yes’ without hesitation! We can achieve so much more when we work together and for many of us (myself included) participation is half the fun.
Mother’s little helpers
Knowing that there were limits to my physical endurance and that I wanted to see old friends and relatives too, I asked the couple above’s children if they would like a little afternoon job at very competitive rates. They made all the difference. As host, of course, there was still a lot of rushing about and supervising, but their charming and efficient way of running the bar and serving guests made us all feel rather spoilt.
Party time
With at least a bit of time freed for myself, I was able to enjoy the company of my guests. We had friends from my NCT (baby group) days in Twickenham; the leaders of the youth group Greg attended as a teenager and all my old friends who have watched him grow from a toddler to an adult. A cruel twist of fate meant that much of my family were unable to attend – Covid ruins fun once again – but I hope we shall see them all soon.

The stars of the show
But we cannot forget the stars of the show, my son Greg and his beautiful and delightful partner Genevieve. They were full of smiles and I know appreciated the lengths to which some folks had gone to join them.

All the work and all the effort was worth it to see them smiling and happy amongst all those who cared for them. I doubt we shall be throwing a party of that size again, but I’m certainly glad we did this time.
Engagements are such happy occasions, because they are declarations of love. The party was our declaration of love and all those who assisted us in any number of ways showed their love too. Is it any surprise it was such a joyful event?
Greg and Genevieve departed the next day and I managed to keep my tears down to a minimum. Knowing that we would be together again next year made it all seem rather more bearable. Genevieve has very sweetly included me in her wedding plans and the venue and event looks quite stunning. I really can’t wait.