The Art of Finding Time

As someone living with MS, I am acutely aware of the preciousness of time. The condition makes my life expectancy shorter and the time in good health – shorter still. Added to this is the fact that extreme fatigue gives me little more than twelve hours a day to enjoy in some level of wakefulness.

Mary’s grandfather clock
Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

That said, I’ve worked out a way to maximise those hours and I am happy to say my life is as full and enjoyable as that of my more able-bodied peers. It has taken a lot of thinking and experimentation to reach this point, but has all been worth it. So, if you are feeling time poor or that the day doesn’t contain enough hours, or like me, your time is naturally limited, here are my suggestions to make the most of what you have.

Marie Kondo your life

Being organised a la Marie Kondo method is a wonderful way to tidy your home. More importantly, it is an excellent way to save time. We waste so much of it just looking for stuff. Having a specific place for things will save minutes and meltdowns.

Where did I put those keys? Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

A place for everything and everything in its place is not a new concept, but nowadays we have so much, we desperately need to organise it. Using her methods for folding and storing clothes has made my life infinitely easier. I know at a glance what I have and can quickly assemble an outfit (which I do the night before). These small actions soon add up and it certainly takes the stress out of the morning.

Saving time and energy

For those of us with chronic conditions, in which fatigue features, time and energy are symbiotically entwined. For all my tasks, I need to assess the time it will take and the energy it will require. Breaking jobs into component parts allows me to do more than if I try to do it all in one go. Overdoing anything invariably results in more hours lying on the sofa staring at the sky – not very proficient.

This applies to everything I do (boring, right?) For example, my OMS lifestyle includes healthy eating and more time preparing and cooking food. Whereas in the past, I would wander around the kitchen and back and forth to the fridge, I am now more like TV chefs – laying everything out before I begin. Rice is put in water to soak; soups and stews boiled and then left off the heat to cook themselves; meals are planned hours in advance and assembled in their component parts.

And this method works equally well for all of us. It opens up time to set the table, take the kids to their clubs or catch up on emails. But unlike multi-tasking, we do tasks sequentially and remove the fluster of spinning too many plates at once.

Extreme efficiency

These rules apply outside the home too. Twenty minutes driving is about my limit, so trips need to be ultra efficient. Planning to do things en-route is the obvious solution. Taking the dog to the park, collecting a friend and going to the post office can easily be combined – saving both time and fuel.

Shopping with a list and ensuring that essentials are always in the cupboard prevents numerous trips to the supermarket for missed items. If you don’t have an obscure ingredient, find an alternative. In the time it would take to go and buy it, you could have made the dish.

Tick tock Image: Karen Costello-McFeat

Our world is full of labour-saving devices and I’m all for taking advantage of them. However, they are also costly. It is worth taking a moment to calculate how much work is required to pay for them and not only the time they save. Ready meals look great but are expensive. What they save in time will cost you earning time to pay for. Tumble driers only need to be stuffed with wet clothing rather than hanging them outside or near the radiator. Unfortunately, they also destroy the fabric of you clothing, requiring you to buy more. Unless money is not an issue, such calculations are worth making.

Time wasters

I think we all know what they are: mobile phones, televisions, Instagram and the internet. We all use them and enjoy them, however, it is too easy to take that pleasure and fritter away our precious hours. In the UK in 2024, people spent between 3-5 hours on their smartphones and of course, more still on television/streaming services. Checking settings for your screen time each week is probably a good idea. Most of us severely underestimate. By establishing what is a reasonable time for your lifestyle, you will free up hours for either more personal communications or to explore your interests.

Time is in your hands Image: Bianca Castillo on Unsplash

The internet is set up with one intention only: to get you online and to keep you there. The longer you scroll, the more information they have access to and the more they can pinpoint their advertising. By making you dissatisfied with your own life, they can offer ways to make it better – ways that cost you time and money.

Early to bed

‘Early to bed and early to rise’ promises to make us ‘healthy, wealthy and wise.’ Though not always true (ask any farmer) it certainly gives us the best of the day.

Recently, I read about the Five O’clock Club. If I remember correctly, you rise at five and spend 2o minutes exercising, 20 minutes meditating/journaling and 20 minutes reading improving works. Sounds brilliant, but leveraging me out of bed before 9am is virtually impossible (though I do go to bed early).

The glorious dawn Image: Simon Wilkes on Unsplash

Getting up as early as you can is a great habit to develop. The benefits are innumerable. Our bodies are designed to correspond to natural light and the more we align ourselves with the rhythms of the day, the better we feel. I doubt that I’ll even get by on less than twelve hours’ sleep a day, but I’m working on it.

Speaking of time, I think that I have taken up enough of yours. I hope that you find some of these suggestions useful or have others to recommend. We all could do with a few more minutes in each day – if only for a nap.

The Space Between

Last Sunday, I experienced a wonderful example of synchronicity at my Quaker meeting. Having completely overdone it all week (and several of the weeks before), I was feeling exhausted and emotionally depleted. My desire to complete The Artist’s Way course properly meant that a further one to two hours needed to be found in my day to meet all my commitments. Yet, exhaustion meant my early rising was becoming less manageable and my routine of meditation and yoga was being squashed into the margins of the day. Something was going to have to give.

The meeting, itself a much needed source of quiet and reflection, was opened with a section of poetry. It went like this:

What makes a fire burn
is space between the logs,
a breathing space.
Too much of a good thing,
too many logs
packed in too tight
can douse the flames
almost as surely 
as a pail of water would.

From 'Fire' by Judy Brown

We all nodded, listened again and went on to our own thoughts on the matter. I suspect that everyone of us was aware of how our lives attempt to contain ‘too much of a good thing’. Our fear of missing out often resulting in our missing everything. (In my case, because I’ve spent the day resting or in bed.)

Making space

How do we make space when there are endless demands on our time and equally endless things to do and explore? This question has haunted me throughout the week. But I want to do everything; have a full social calendar; be creative; be Zen – my child self complains. And though popular culture suggests that ‘having it all’ is the most natural goal in the world, real life quickly reminds us otherwise.

Fires and we burn brightest when we have air to breathe Image: Max LaRochelle on Unsplash

The non-negotiables

Our first task in moving towards a more manageable life-style must surely begin with list of things that we absolutely have to do. These are what I consider the non-negotiables. Mine include all those activities that ensure I maintain optimal health for my condition. These include:

  • Sufficient sleep and rest time (ten hours per day) – yup, not a lot of day left already!
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Cooking and meals
  • Personal hygiene and health care

Next, I’m going to add those other necessary activities:

  • Exercising Hermione
  • Maintaining a home
  • Down-time at the end of the day
  • Communicating with others
  • Work and volunteering

I’m now at 18.5 hours!

Things I absolutely want to do!

  • The Artist’s Way and creative work
  • Social activities

This leaves me with about 1 hour leeway for unexpected events like notifying everyone of my son’s engagement. It has proven a rather enlightening (if depressing exercise). But it is one that, should you also be finding yourself frazzled by the end of the day, might be worth doing.

We all have the same twenty-four hours and most of us have some control over how we spend them. Much as I’d like to make my day more elastic, wishing will not make it so.

Even with the wriggle room of holidays and weekends to catch up on housework, gardening and chores, we need to be careful to keep some of that time available for what it is meant for – a proper rest.

Space invaders

What gobbles up your time? Image: Bady Abbas on Unsplash

With so little time to do everything that needs to be done, we simply cannot afford to have others siphon away any of it. All our time is precious, so if we are constantly bombarded by those wishing an audience, we need to politely and firmly say no.

If, like me, this is really hard, we can make a mental check on the time available and say, I just have x minutes. I’d love to hear your news, but after that I need to go/get on. The same applies to phone calls. For persistent offenders, try to communicate by text. They can only write so much and you at least can read it at your leisure!

We are often pressured into attending events for which we have little appetite, but again, we should not be. It isn’t necessary to pretend to be busy or to justify our position. We can still be polite and decline. Perhaps the best answer was spoken by the inimitable Bartleby the Scrivener who when asked to perform unwelcome tasks said, ‘I would prefer not to.’

I really need to practise all of these.

Space to grow

Of course, the space between referred to in the poem above, refers to much more than simply finding time to do all the things we love. It means finding the space to grow and develop into our best selves. Those who garden know that planting too closely results in stunted or failing crops. Only when we have room to explore, to branch out, can we hope to thrive.

Further, when we have sufficient oxygen to burn brightly, we can share that fire with others, whether in direct action or an enthusiastic welcome to the world. Our energy can energise others creating a virtuous cycle of positivity. So if you think that finding space for yourself is selfish, think again. It is probably the kindest and most useful thing you can do for others.

Burn bright and share your warmth Image: Nik Shulianhin on Unsplash

The Thief of Time

Popular wisdom has it that procrastination is the thief of time, but I would demur. That title, I believe, goes to the mobile phone or more specifically, those platforms that give us ‘free’ services to contact friends and entertain ourselves.

This thought is not especially new. Yet, it was brought forcefully to my attention when one day last week (which was admittedly my birthday), I’d managed to spend three hours on my device, most notably on WhatsApp. As someone who rarely knows the location of my phone and who has all notifications turned off, I was horrified. I don’t remember being on my phone that much. In fact, if asked, I’d have said I was only on it for a little while to reply to the lovely greetings. And that was the most disturbing part. It was an invisible thief who had stolen these precious hours from me.

So many distractions Image: Dugba Cauley- Hushie on Unsplash

Time lost

It was embarking on The Artist’s Way ( that highlighted how little time I have to spare. Now, I need to find an extra 40-60 minutes for writing each morning, plus a weekly two hours for my artist’s date. I ran through my day and found very few minutes unaccounted for. Unwilling to ditch my students or my work for Citizens Advice, or attempts at learning Ukrainian, I was struggling to see where this time could be ‘found’. Then I randomly looked at my screen time. Result. That was where those lost hours were lurking.

You may like to look on settings to see your screen times. Are they more or less than you expected?

Does time take us or do we take time? Image: Nick Fewings on Unsplash

My goal is to reduce my screen time to around 30 minutes per day, allowing for longer times when there are special occasions like birthdays or celebrations. Since the average use of an adult in the UK is around two hours, and in the US up to twice that, this seemed like a reasonable compromise between remaining social and remaining sane.

Time regained

Phones, and the many platforms we use on them, were created with the specific intention of getting us on-line and staying there; enabling the ‘free’ service to mine our data or sell us goods. Designed with the same ingenuity as a casino, they quickly turn us into dopamine addicts, waiting for the next notification, ‘like’ or challenge. For a full and fascinating discussion of this subject, I urge you to read this excellent article from Harvard:

Do I have your attention? Image: Krzystof-Hepner on Unsplash

So what can we do to foil such ingenuity? Here are some tricks we can employ to place our phones back in their proper role: as a wonderful device which connects us to friends and the wider world but that doesn’t annex our life.

  • Remove all your apps. Yes, Wordle is great fun, but it leads to Quardle and then to posting your scores on Facebook or comparing with contacts on WhatsApp. What starts out as a entertaining five minute time filler, ends up a daily obsession. As for anything like Candy Crush and other games, I think you know where they lead.
  • Consider whether your message is a call for approval or an exchange of information. So often when we post, we are actually hoping for an ego boost. How many people reply? How many likes do we receive? Are people showing sufficient interest/awe/envy at our or our family’s achievements? This kind of communication ultimately benefits none – least of all the writer, who may not get the verification they crave and in place of joy, feel deflation. Instead, enjoy the natural boost we all receive from connecting with others in a mutually respectful and friendly way.
  • Is a text the right way to express this? Few of us enjoy long texts and fewer read them carefully, so if you have something important to say, deliver it via email or even better by letter.
  • Misunderstandings Predictive text often leads to hilarious comments, but texts in their brevity also invite misunderstandings. I try not to convey anything of importance this way-not least because I often forget to hit send.
  • Telephone times The best way for me to restrict the siren call of my phone is to establish clear times that I will look at it. I’ve decided on first thing in the morning, lunch and after dinner. No-one is likely to feel neglected with such a small interval and I can reply in one session rather than dozens of distracting ones.
  • Make the phone less attractive Like those slot machines in Las Vegas which vie for your attention with flashing lights and garish colours, mobiles too are designed to lure your eye. There are two ways to resolve this: dim the screen and change to grayscale. The latter is quite tricky to work out, so I’ve linked this handy guide to show you how to do it.’re%20using%20an,appears%20as%20the%20top%20option.
A quiet time to read Image: Heber Galindo on Unsplash

Time is on your side

What I am hoping is that by reducing my screen time, I shall be opening opportunities for creativity and valuable nurturing time. I’m not there yet. This week’s average is 51 minutes per day, but it’s progress.

Even if we only shave an hour a day off our usage, that would give us an extra seven hours a week. That’s enough time to read a novel; spend an hour on creative activities; make a delicious evening meal each day or do whatever it is we would like to do but never find the time for. We are unlikely to ever regret not spending enough time on social media, but I think it very likely that we may regret not spending enough on fulfilling our desires.